Daniel Krimmer
Senior Division
Individual Website


"I loved war too much" (Louis XIV)

This Image Was In the Public DomainThe War of Devolution
With the Treaty of the Pyrenees Louis XIV was left with the infant Marie-Thérèse,the daughter of Philip IV.  After the marriage she renounced her claims to the Spanish inheritance.  Soon after when Philip IV died in 1665 he was succeeded by the five year old Charles II.  Louis had no problem with which the crown belonged to but he contested the fact that Marie-Thérèse still had the rights to inherit goods and property instead of them all going to Charles II.  The war began in 1667 with the French attack of the main army led by Marshal Turenne.  The French turned out to be very successful over Spain and this started to worry the Dutch.   So the Dutch Quickly signed a treaty with England, after fighting them since 1665 that would free their hands.  Then the Dutch were able to put their attention on France and by January of 1668 the United Provinces, England, and Sweden wrote and signed the Triple Alliance.  It declared that Spain must accede to the demands of Louis XIV for certain towns, but if Louis increased his demands then the Allies would fight to reestablish the borders of
1659.  This later led to the Triple Alliance.