Daniel Krimmer
Senior Division
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"I loved war too much" (Louis XIV)






Through 1709-11 "While the allies continued to score important victories, the momentum of allied success slowed enough that the Bourbon cause did not collapse.  By 1711, Louis had outlasted the will of the British Parliament to continue a costly Continental war, and the circumstances of that war had changed enough to make a Bourbon king of Spain a reasonable alternative for the Maritime Powers." (Lynn 328).  The war became a completely different war in 1712 " The British effectively dropped out of the conflict; gone were their troops and ships, gone was their money, adn gone was the military genius of Marlborough.  It was to Louis's benefit that the war continued for two years after the British had essentially withdrawn, for it gave the Franch time to turn what looked like defeat into what could be seen as victory" (Lynn 350).  Towards the close of this year, 1713, peace with the Emperor seemed so certain, that the King disbanded sixty Battalions and eighteen men per company of the regiment of the guards, and one hundred and six squadrons; of which squadrons twenty-seven were dragoon. At peace now with the rest of Europe he had no need of so many troops, even although the war Against the Empire had continued; fortunately, however it did not. Negotiations were set on foot, and on the 6th of March of the following year, 1714, after much debate, they ended successfully.  On that day, in fact, peace was signed at Rastadt.  It was shortly afterwards published at Paris, a Te Deum sung, and bonfires lighted at night; a grand collation was given at the Hotel de Ville by the Duc de Tresmes, who at midnight also gave, in his own house, a splendid banquet, at which were present many ladies, foreigners, and courtiers."(Duc de Saint-Simon)