Daniel Krimmer
Senior Division
Individual Website


"I loved war too much" (Louis XIV)






"Aragon-Catalonia-Valencia, because of her support for Charles, had been deprived of their privileges. The Spanish court did not accept the cession of so many territories, and King Philip even planned to succeed French King Louis XIV. In 1717 a Spanish fleet retook Sardinia, in 1718 landed on Sicily; the War of the Quadruple Alliance ensued, which brought a Spanish defeat; Sardinia and Sicily had to be returned. In the War of Polish Succession, Spain regained the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, in the War of Austrian Succession Parma." "The final terms were particularily favourable in comparison with those that the Allies tried to make Louis accept in 1709 and 1710. Then, the Allies had demanded 'no peace without Spain', but this was certaintly peace without Spain." (Lynn) "The last great was of Louis XIV came to an end. The old monarch did not long survive his final conflict, for he died on 1 Sptember 1715." (Lynn). It can be said that the wars that Louis XIV called would then later start the French Revolution. This would be because of all the debt that France was left in with both Louis XIV and Louis XV. Napoleon will later call the French Revolution and try to gain control of the whole world.