Daniel Krimmer
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"I loved war too much" (Louis XIV)


Annotated Works

Beik, William. "# Celebrating Andrew Lossky: The Reign of Louis XIV Revisited." French Historical Studies 17 (1991): 526-41.

This article was able to give me more information on Louis XIV.  Then it was also able to direct me to the article that was written by Andrew Lossky.  Which  I was not able to find but  the  article was still good.

Buranelli, Vincent. Louis XIV. Twayne Inc., 1966.

This book did not much talk about the wars of Louis XIV but of his backround and what he did when he was not a king.  So this book was able to inform me on the many other achievements of the Sun King.   Along with all of this  it had  some letters that the king wrote that came in great handy.

Bernard, L. L. New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Vol. 8. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 801-04.

                        I found a short biography on Louis XIV.  This was good background knowledge for when I read about all of the wars her was                         in.  I was able to know what was going on in his life at the time of a certain event.

Duc de Saint-Simon. The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete. 20 Dec. 2008 <http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/3/8/7/3875/3875.txt>.

This is one of my best sources because the author was there when everything happened so he was able to write it all out step by step.  It was mostly like his diary that he kept  and was  the best  primary source I have.  Even Voltaire took after this book for his.

Dunlop, Ian. Louis XIV. New York: St. Martin's P, 2000.

Ian Dunlop  wrote this about the overall life of Louis  XIV.  It had all the wars in it that  I needed to research.  It did not have all the details that I would have liked but it was still at great source  for pictures of people in the time.

Eggert, C. A. "The Age of Louis XIV." Modern Language Notes 9 (1894): 209-12.

I was able to read this article and it stated a book by Voltaire that was on Louis XIV.  So I got that book and was able to get a primary source for my project.  It also cited a book a famous book that is one of the most used sources for Louis XIV.

Ekberg, Carl. "From Dutch to European War: Louis XIV and Louvois Are Tested." French Historical Studies 8 (1974): 393-408.

My army section of my website was not the easiest that I did.  But through this article there was really great information on Louvois and his actions with Louis XIV in the Dutch War.  Louvois was the Minister of War so he was a good person to gather information for.

Fox, Paul. "Louis XIV and the Theories of Absolutism and Divine Right." The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 26 (1960): 128-42.

                        This article let me know that Louis XIV is the stereotypical of an autocrat.  He is the political figure whose ideas are alluded but             not examined.

Gardiner Houlgate. 02 Jan. 2009 <http://www.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/sales/ghresults-05-09-2007.htm>.

The only thing I used this site for was for the picture of a Flintlock Musket for my website.  Then I put that picture on the cover page for Louis military forces.  Along with other pictures that I found.

Grancsay, Stephen V. "Models of Cannon of the Louis XIV Period." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 24 (1929): 162-64.

With the picture in this article I got a picture of the canons that Louis XIV used in his wars to be able to win most of them. I got a mental image and a picture to be able to put on my webpage.  It was not added because of technical difficulties at the end of my projects but  it was still a good picture.

H., C. H. "Portrait of the Infanta Maria Theresa by Velasquez." Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin 1922: 1-3. JSTOR.

                        This article had a picture of  Maria Theresa.  She is the wife of Louis XIV.  

Hatton, Ragnhild. "Louis XIV: Recent Gains in Historical Knowledge." The Journal of Modern History 45 (1973): 277-91. 

                        Here I was able to get new details about Louis XIV that we have learned.

Judge, H. G. Louis XIV. London, WI: Longmans, 1965.

This book was written about what happened in Louis’ time.  For example when John Locke was in France.

  Klaits, Joseph. "Men of Letters and Political Reform in France at the End of the Reign of Louis XIV: The Founding of the Academie Politique." The Journal of Modern History 43 (1971): 577-97.

The part of the article that I used was as it talked about the Political Reform in France towards the end of Louis XIV rule. 

Lynn, John A. The Wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Limited, 1999.

This book was one of the easiest to find information in because of the fact that it is specifically on Louis XIV wars.  I used it for the information on all the his wars.

Major, J. R. " Noble Income, Inflation, and the Wars of Religion in France." The American Historical Review 86 (1981): 21-48.

Here I was able to find out what was happening in France before Louis XIV became king.  Forexample there was the Hundred Years War and the Wars of Religion.

Middlebush, F. "Charles II and Louis XIV in 1683." The English Historical Review 38 (1993): 258-60.

There is information of the letters that passes between Louis XIV and Charles II in 1683.  It tells of what they say and sums of both of their thoughts.

Molinier, Emile. "French Furniture of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Article I.-The Louis XIV Style-Introduction." The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs Mar. 1903: 33. JSTOR.

In the picture in this article I was able to see how things were made at the time and what factories were like.  Then also how people were in the presence of the king.

Opdycke, Leonard. An Equestrian Statuette of Louis XIV. Working paperNo. 1956/1957. Fogg Art Museum. 36-44.

This picture it a statue of Louis XIV which shows what he dressed like when he was on his way to a destination.

Place, Richard. " Bavaria and the Collapse of Louis XIV's German Policy, 1687-1688." The Journal of Modern History 47 (1977): 369-93.

I used this for after effects of the Dutch War because that is there the German Policy was used.  

Rabb, Theodore K. "The Historian and Art: A New Maturity." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 30 (2002): 87-93. JSTOR.

This article has a picture of Louis XIV posing which is a good picture for my website to put on the front page.

 Sommerville, J. P. "Louis XIV's Wars -2." University of Wisconsin - History    

Department. 16 Dec. 2008 <http://history.wisc.edu/sommerville/351/351-142.htm>.

I was able to copy several photos from this website.  Then also the maps for some of my wars were also taken from this website.

Sonnino, Paul, ed. Reign of Louis XIV. New York: Brill Academic, Incorporated, 1993.

This book is much like the article by Andrew Lossky by which they are on the same subject but I was able to get more information out of this book than in the article.

Steingrad, Elena. "Louis XIV." Louis XIV. 2000. Aug. 2008 <http://www.louis-xiv.de>.

This website is really easy to navigate through and has a whole section devoted to the wars of Louis XIV and this is also a good example of what my website should look like.

Thomson, M. "Louis XIV and the Origins of the War of the Spanish Succession." Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th ser. 4 (1954): 111-34.

This article was my decision maker when I found two different reasons for the Spanish Succession and it turns out they were both reasons for the war.

"T.R.S. Product 2." The Rifle Shoppe, Inc. - Antique Firearms, Flintlock Muskets, Muzzleloading Gun Parts & Accessories. 02 Jan. 2009 <http://www.therifleshoppe.com/matchlocks.htm>.

The only thing this site was used for was the picture of a Matchlock musket for my army part of my website.

Voltaire. The Age of Louis XIV. J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1961.

The information I was able to gather from this book is what else was happening in the world when Louis XIV was king of France.

Wolf, John. " The Reign of Louis XIV: A Selected Bibliography of Writings since the War of 1914-1918." The Journal of Modern History 36 (1964): 127-44.

This talks about ho Louis XIV was a major subject in the 19th century and how Voltaire made everybody want to do research on him.

Wolf, John. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1968.

I was able to find this book on Amazon.com after seeing it in a citation of another book I owned.  It has given me good information on both the Dutch War and the War of the Spanish Succession.

Ziskin, Rochelle. "The Place de Nos Conquêtes and the Unraveling of the Myth of Louis XIV." The Art Bulletin 76 (1994): 147-62.

                       This helped me know more background on Louis XIV and let me know more about him and helped answer several questions I                          had about him.

Daniel Krimmer